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Animation Legend Maurice Noble has passed away

Father Geek here with some sad news... The fun-tastic Maurice Noble passed away early this morning. Maurice co-directed and was production designer for the Academy Award winning cartoon THE DOT AND THE LINE, which was also honored at 1966's Cannes Festival. Other cartoons of his like 1954's FROM A TO Z-Z-Z-Z and 1961's BEEP PREPARED, among others were nominated for Academy Awards. He was the Director of "The Bugs n' Daffy Show" (1996) TV Series, and "The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Hour" (1968).

The winner of the Motion Picture Screen Cartoonist's GOLDEN AWARD, Maurice Noble designed and in many instances co-directed most of the classic Warner Brothers color cartoons with Chuck Jones. Cartoons, like "Duck Dodger in the 24th and 1/2 Century," "One Froggy Evening," "What's Opera Doc,"(selected to the National Film Registry in 1992) the Road Runner series, "Duck Amuck,"(voted into the Nat.Film 1999) "Much Ado About Nutting," "Kiss Me Cat," "Forward March Hare," "Rabbit Seasoning" and many others too numerous to mention. These would not have stuck in the imagination of the world had he not designed the sets and characters. The phantastic "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" cartoon was also designed by him... And he even worked on the wonderful "Iron Giant."

Oh yeah, he was an Art Director on "Snow White," "Pinocchio," "Bambi," and "Dumbo." To say his influence on the culture of design is great is an underestimation. He was incredibly lucid, funny, direct, and passionate to the VERY end. We'll all miss his spirit and unbridled enthusiasm here at Geek Headquarters, luckily we'll have his cartoons forever!

To see a partial list of many of his great cartoons Just Click Here.

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