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Movie News


Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

The other night, John Robie and I stopped at the Astro's on Melrose and Gower before we went to see BAISE MOI and found ourselves looking up at the billboards lining the Paramount walls. Among them was the TOMB RAIDER logo, a rather dull design for an outdoor ad. Both Robie and I muttered a few things about how boring the ad was, and what a shame they didn't have something more dynamic, and we couldn't help but note it again on our way out.

So imagine my glee when I opened an e-mail today, only to find the following kick-ass image, the second half of the outdoor campaign for TOMB RAIDER. I've reproduced it a little smaller here, but if you want a big glorious version in remarkable, resolution, just click it!

Special thanks to the Stone Monkey for sending this over!

"Moriarty" out.

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