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A.I. review... spoiler free.... expect more!

Hey folks, Harry here with a look at A.I. An oh so brief look... a teeny tiny look, but a look nonethless... I've got people that claim they are seeing the film today (Friday) and say they will send in their reviews... I CAN'T WAIT!!! I'm dying for people to see this film... shit, I'm dying to see this film. I hope they have an advance screening here in Austin... before I leave for Los Angeles to tape... oh... never mind... Meanwhile, Here's a full length spoiler filled review about A.I. Great descriptions!!! Click Here!!!

Do you use scoops from message boards? This A.I. snippet was found on a messageboard. MovieMusic.Com's Original Posting Here!!!

I got to see an advance screening of A.I. today with 5 other people here in Dallas, and no this post contains no spoilers, dont worry. I love working with a film critic! Just thought i would let you all know that it is one of Spielbergs BEST films!!! Absolutely incredible! But be warned, it's not your average Spielberg, it starts out just plain creepy and will send shivers down your spine as did mine I'm sure. Especially after you see some of the creepy technology. Then it gets very very dark Kubrick style. Act III will surely bring tears to your eyes and is a very good moviegoing experience. Williams' score is TOP NOTCH with some use of electronics (Which is strange for williams). He even uses some techno beats it seems for some chase music backed with some orchestra. For the first act, its mainly beautiful piano with some electronics (Think of a form of wendy carlos or even Goldsmith). The score release better be a good one. DO YOURSELVES A FAVOR AND GO SEE THE FILM THE 29TH!!! ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! The critic i was with and myself were both in tears after the 2 1/2 hour film came to a close and both agreed it was the best film we had both seen in a long time. Which is unfortunate cause i wanted it to keep going and going. There wasn't one boring part, the whole thing kept the 5 of us entirely interested. The actors ALL did a great job, especially Osment. The film was so well shot it's not even funny, and the special effects were very incredible. Just wait till you see "Teddy" waltz across the floor so very lifelike it's scary. Well.. thats my 2 cents.


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