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TIME MACHINE Trailer is very cool

Hey folks, Harry here... While this trailer is a complete teaser... and aggravatingly reminiscient of the GONE IN SIXTY SECONDS trailer... there is one thing I love.... the Time Machine itself. Countingdown.Com has just posted the trailer... I have the link for the best size trailer, because what you need to do is freeze frame over the machine traveling through time... and your breath will stop. It's blurry, it isn't quite clear, but baby... it looks like a Victorian Time Machine to me... God I hope they fixed the script problems... This could be a lot of fun if they nail it. Comic Con attendees take your cameras and get some nice shots of the machine, unfortunately I hurt my lower back and won't be attending this year.... que sera sera... I so want to see what Sam Raimi shows y'all. QUINT will be there though... lucky bastard. Sigh... grumble grumble....


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