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Love Puts A Kink In Quentin Tarantino's KILL BILL!!!

Hey folks, Harry here and boy do I have news you don't want to hear.

After years of development... After months upon months of martial arts training for Uma Thurman.... After extensive writing and combat choreography planning... LOVE is putting a kink in the making of KILL BILL.

That's right.... that damn cherubic cupid arrow is causing headaches galore for Quentin Tarantino right as he was set to start filming what has been planned to be the cat's meow of cool badass women kicking the shit out of people flicks.

Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman are going to have a child, and ordinarily that would be happy joyful news, but.... BUT this could very well endanger any and all possibility of Uma and Quentin making this film sooner rather than later.

Why not just recast? Because for the past 6-8 months Uma has been going through massive training in multiple martial arts styles. Sword work, one report has her training with Sonny Chiba, another has her learning an animal style... BUT to recast... that would mean that a new actress would have to train for months and months... With Uma you have the possibility that she may be able to finish a majority of the film before the pregnancy became an issue... but in the type of combat that Quentin is wanting to shoot her doing... the chance for... error might be too great for a mother to be.

So... What does this mean for Quentin Tarantino and the future of cool cinema? Well, he does have a War flick mostly finished if not completed in the script stage. Before Paul Thomas Anderson grabbed Adam Sandler, Quentin was planning to shoot the war flick first.... Now with the Uma complication, would he return to WWII, grab Sandler, Michael Madsen and crew and shoot his Dirty Dozen-esque flick instead?

Nobody knows for certain, but we'll be hearing soon enough!

In addition... the reason that he wants UMA to do these types of Martial Arts is because of her long lithe body type. As for why have her do it instead of Michelle Yeoh? Well, because Yeoh isn't right for the character that Quentin has written specifically for Uma to play. She is note perfect for the character because Quentin wrote it to be so. Sort of like how he writes everything for specific actors to play specific roles. Then he gets those actors. The reason they always seem perfect in Quentin movies is because he's written the roles specifically for them to play. Just a side note....

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