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Hey folks, Webmaster Dave here, and we've got a problem. Actually, it's mostly you guys who have the problem.

There's a virus, actually, a worm going around the net, called SIRCAM. It hasn't infected OUR machines, because we use Macs. Most of you, though, are out there using PCs, and this virus/worm, which seems to have struck some time last week, has only gotten worse over the weekend.

When I first saw it being transmitted, I thought about posting a warning, but I didn't because virus alerts usually go out fairly quickly these days, and these things also don't last very long. Also, there was no chance of it infecting any of AICN's Macs. Well, from now on, I'm going to post alerts as quickly as possible. I should have posted this days ago, because TONS of users are still getting infected, and on the net, we all have to do our part when it comes to stopping this stuff.

Folks, you need to go RIGHT NOW to a good virus site with information about this worm.

There's a page at Symantec at this link with good information:

Please go there now and read what it has to say. EVEN IF YOU DON'T THINK YOU'VE BEEN INFECTED, you may have been. Essentially, this worm makes duplicates of itself and then mails itself to others whose email addresses are recorded in your Microsoft Email app (Outlook variants).

There is also a chance that this worm will recursively delete every file on your PC's C: drive. In addition, it takes fragments of your personal documents and appends them to itself.

Being hooked up to the web means that we all share some responsibilities. One of these is making sure our computers don't screw up other people's lives. Please take this matter seriously, and take appropriate action.

Also, if you have your own website, please post a similar warning.

By the way, cornloaf below makes a good point. Mac aren't immune to viruses, they just don't spread this particular one. Everyone, no matter who you are, if you own a computer, you need to have good virus detection software installed, and you need to make sure your virus definitions list is up to date. That means Mac people too.

-Webmaster Dave/El Cosmico

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