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Tiny Report From England About Footage Shown For HARRY POTTER and SCOOBY DOO!

Hey folks, Harry here with just a tidbit of notes from FoGGhorn LeggHorn about footage he managed to see from SCOOBY DOO and HARRY POTTER, and it went pretty much as you would think it went... Here ya go...

Mr Knowles,

Although an avid reader of AICN i have yet to come across some really cool news from my little country of England...Well today is that day...Call me FoGGhorn LeggHorn...

A sneak preview was shown to a special group of people at Warners the other day...This included over fifteen minutes of Harry Potter and then a few minutes of a yet, unfinished Scooby Doo.

Well I suppose it aint really news but... Harry Potter looks excellent in every way, the characters the acting the draws you in...there are no spoilers here, only to say we look foward to the release day in November it will be huge...

Now something I know from reading your site you are waiting here, yes Scooby does suck, big time...Of course there is no computer generated Scooby as yet, just a man in a white sheet that the other actors talk and look to.

The acting however is of primary school level...SMG is Buffy and Freddie Prinze Jnr is useless, the highlight of the whole film, the savior himself must be Matthew Lillard..he has the Shaggy Voice and moves down to a tea...Sorry if this is all pretty obvious to you...WEll this is me signing out to go back to work...

FH Legghorn.

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